Agriculture Sector

  • Cultivated area : 1,444.29 hectares
  • Approved agricultural plans : 1,071 plans
  • Number of farms : 15,190 farms
  • Sites designated for agricultural activities : 55 sites
  • The area of the sites designated for agricultural activities : 827,341,210 square meters
  • Employment size : 2,506 employees, or 1% of the Kingdom's total
Created with Highcharts 9.3.29 Parks9 Parks5 Investment site5 Investment site4 Afforestation4 Afforestation4 Treatment plants4 Treatment plants4 Livestock breeding4 Livestock breeding2 Nurseries2 Nurseries2 Agricultural cities2 Agricultural cities1 Allocation to other government agencies1 Allocation to other government agencies
Created with Highcharts 9.3.26532 Riyadh %396532 Riyadh %3913.9 Mecca %013.9 Mecca %02442 Madinah %152442 Madinah %156630 Qassim %406630 Qassim %40449 Eastern %3449 Eastern %312.85 Asir %012.85 Asir %0587.14 The remaining %4587.14 The remaining %4
Created with Highcharts 9.3.29960 Riyadh %639960 Riyadh %630 Mecca %00 Mecca %03660 Madinah %233660 Madinah %231880 Qassim %121880 Qassim %120 Eastern %00 Eastern %0250 The remaining %2250 The remaining %2
Created with Highcharts 9.3.2%250 Riyadh %4%250 Riyadh %4%150 Mecca %2%150 Mecca %2%350 Madinah %5%350 Madinah %5%5200 Qassim %80%5200 Qassim %80%0 Eastern %0%0 Eastern %0%550 The remaining %9%550 The remaining %9
Created with Highcharts 9.3.27924947 Riyadh %267924947 Riyadh %267542914 Qassim %247542914 Qassim %244751040 Madinah %154751040 Madinah %154042524 Eastern %134042524 Eastern %131973528 Hail %61973528 Hail %61243909 Mecca %41243909 Mecca %43755293 The remaining %123755293 The remaining %12Riyadh %26Qassim %24Madinah %15Eastern %13Hail %6Mecca %4The remaining %12
  • pets Number of camels : 48,320
  • Number of sheep : 389,432
  • Number of goats : 365,233
  • Number of cows : 1,651
  • Number of traditional birds/poultry : 411,513
  • Number of horses : 17,202
  • Number of rabbits : 10,423
  • Table eggs production volume : 14,012.90 tons
  • 1Large areas suitable for various types of agricultural activities.
  • 2Availability of renewable water resources and a mild climate.
  • 3Fertile soil in which volcanic deposits reside.
  • 4Diverse and specialized experts in the field.
  • 5Marine biodiversity and areas suitable for fish farming.
  • 6The growing global demand for date products.
  • 7Continuous initiatives from the relevant authorities to improve and develop the sector and address its challenges.
  • 8The development of crop area in Madinah province during the past years.
  • 9Supporting the Agricultural Development Fund for farmers by obtaining soft agricultural loans and the necessary facilities to raise production.