Logistics Sector

  • King Fahd Industrial Port in Yanbu
    - Yanbu commercial port
  • Al-Haramain train station in Madinah
  • Transportation and storage activities 827 facilities
  • Warehouses in 7 cities
  • - Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Airport in the city - international
    - Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Al-Ula International Airport
    - Prince Abdul Mohsen bin Abdulaziz Airport in Yanbu - regional
  • Number of flights : 25,546 flights
  • Number of international flights : 22,230 flights
  • Number of passengers for international flights : 1,836,616 passengers
  • Number of travel and tourism agency establishments : 186 establishments
Comparison of international airport flights in regions of the Kingdom
Comparing the number of passengers for international flights to the regions of the Kingdom
  • Total cargo handled at ports : 91,146,150 tons
  • Number of passengers arriving and departing through the ports : 11,445 passengers
  • Number of containers transported in ports : 136 containers
  • Number of ships : 1616 ships
  • Number of fishing and recreational boats : 3,494 boats
  • Inland water transport activities for the purpose of tourism : 3 facilities
Comparison of goods handled across the Kingdom's ports
Comparison between the numbers of arriving and departing passengers
  • Number of Al-Haramain train stations : 5 stations
  • Transport volume via Al Haramain Train Stations : 921,000 passengers
  • Number of licenses for land transport facilities : 604 licenses, or 3% of the Kingdom's total
  • Public transportation services - frequent transportation
    4 lanes - 106 stations - 26 buses
  • Number of bus transportation facilities between cities : 3 facilities
  • Number of warehouse cities in Madinah :
     -Airport road warehouses
     -Sayed Al Shuhada warehouses
     -Abyar Ali warehouses
     -Abyar Al-Mashi warehouses
     -Amana warehouses
     -Warehouse city
  • 1The increasing demand for transportation services in regard to the Hajj and Umrah traffic and tourism in the region.
  • 2The presence of approximately 367 factories in the industrial city of Madinah, and 7 cities for warehouses, achieves an increasing demand for logistics services.
  • 3The Ministry of Transport launched 4 development projects in the region to serve roads and their users, with a total length of 173.8 km.
  • 4The growth of e-commerce activities in the region has led to an increase in the demand for freight and storage services.